Schinnen, the Netherlands, November 19, 2017
His Holiness, Pope Fransiscus,
I would like to inform you that the bronze casting of The road to reconciliation is unveiled and consecrated on 21 April 2017 in the city park de Kartuis in Roermond in the Netherlands. It can now be freely admired, near the diocese offices in a fantastic neutral inviting place. The road to reconciliation is the result of a frank cooperation between victims of sexual abuse in the church, the diocese and me as an artist. I hope that many will feel support from this symbolic piece of art and what German people will call Denkmal.
Thank you again for your written response of 3 September 2014 in which you state that you are aware of and appreciate the project The road to reconciliation. Your letter was then very nice to receive and gave strength to continue with the project and continue to defy the encountered resistance. (source: letter dated 3 September 2014, Nuntius Netherlands, + André Dupuy, N. 974/2014)
I would also like to inform you about a documentary made by students. In this documentary it becomes clear how the diocese, the association of victims and I as an artist worked together on The road to reconciliation. The Dutch version of this documentary has been broadcasted four times on the regional television channel L1. The unveiling on April 21, 2017 was a national news item.
By clicking on the link below, you can view this 12-minute documentary.
More information can be obtained at
The recent unveiled and consecrated is a fantastic completion, although I am well aware that at the same time it could only mark a beginning, a beginning of restoring faith in the Roman Catholic Faith.
It would be very nice to hear from you again and to be able to take note of your views on how to proceed with The road to reconciliation.
I would like to thank you in advance.
Yours sincerely,
Pierre Habets – initiator project The road to reconciliation
Moutheuvellaan 17
6365 AX Schinnen, The Netherlands